My choice for the March Challenge on Beccy's place was a kind of monochrome card, if you do not mind the coffee that I used to color the paper.
Because for my challenge where I used a page from an old math textbook, I also wanted to try this technique here too.
I have printed the pine forest free digital stamp on one of those pages, and I decided to paint it with coffee, aiming for an aged paper. Then, with the use of a metal tool, I ripped around the edges and left it to dry overnight.
The next day, I glued the page on A frame black cardboard base.
Pentru provocarea dela Beccy, am folosit aceeași culegere de matamatică pe care am sascrificat-o pentru felicitările de la Transformările Creative. Am printat pe o pagină una din imaginile oferite de Beccy, o pădure de pini, apoi am colorat-o folosind cafea. Cu o unealta metalică, am rupt marginile pentru a-i da un aspect de învechire. Apoi am lipit-o pe un carton negru.